Whether you are new to homeschooling or have many years of experience, you might have questions about homeschooling, our approach, and our curriculum products. Here are some answers to questions we hear a lot:

  • Yes. This curriculum is written from a secular science-based worldview.

  • Many religious families do use this curriculum! A secular curriculum does not mean anti-religion, but simply that religion is not built into the curriculum in any way. This secular curriculum is a great fit for families of any faith. When religious beliefs are mentioned in book selections, the literature guide includes a content note. NorthStar Educational Explorations teaches current scientific theory, including evolution. Our products support values of inclusion, respect, stewardship, empathy, and human rights.

  • A secular curriculum is one that does not promote any one religion. Many homeschooling curricula on the market today come from a Christian worldview, often incorporating bible study and altering topics to reflect this worldview, including creationism. There are also curricula that attempt to be neutral and leave out topics that do not fit with a Christian worldview. A truly secular curriculum will support the current scientific research and theories, including evolution.

  • Northstar’s core products are cross-curricular comprehensive unit studies designed for hands-on learning. This curriculum is very flexible so it can work for many different styles of homeschooling from the charlotte-mason inspired homeschoolers to the almost unschooling families. However, if you are looking for a worksheet-based program, our products probably won’t meet your needs.

  • While our curriculum provide a comprehensive learning experience, our materials are not in complete alignment with Common Core standards in some areas. We are working to provide a checklist that shows how our products align with common core and NGSS so that homeschoolers who desire this information can understand how our products will meet their goals. In terms of philosophy, this curriculum is designed to encourage child-led learning, which means families select topics based on interest and not grade level. We do not believe in placing external pressures on children to meet skills-based standards based on grade level. If your child is “ahead” in one area and “behind” in another, our program is designed to meet them where they are.

  • This curriculum is designed for grades K-6. Many homeschool families teach a wide range of ages together. Interest in a certain topic also isn't limited to a particular grade level. For that reason, our curriculum is designed to prompt playful exploration and learning over a wide range of ages, with options for up to approximately age 12. This document will rate activities by difficulty level in lieu of age ranges. The level marked indicates the minimum skills required. Options are provided to make the activity more challenging for older children. Our unit studies have differentiated learning options based on three levels:

    LEVEL 1 - Explorers - This level is ideal for children who are not yet reading and writing but are learning, usually early elementary. These kids are learning to count or potentially starting to add. At this level, the adult will read to the children and write down the child’s words. Adults can still verbalize solving more advanced math problems for children to hear, even if children are not near to that level of math skill, because exposure in this way teaches younger kids that math is useful.

    LEVEL 2 - Adventurers - These children know how to read and write but need confidence and practice. They are doing addition and subtraction and have some knowledge of fractions, they might be working on multiplication and division. These kids will rely on an adult to “scaffold” by using templates for writing and adult guidance for math play.

    LEVEL 3 - Voyagers - These children read and write independently but continue to need guidance. These kids will know multiplication and division, fractions, and percentages. They are confident enough to use fewer templates and tackle more complicated projects. An adult can look over the child’s work and should still be involved and present for most topical reading and activities.

  • Unit studies are curricula designed around topical themes. A topic such as worms or rockets provides the basis for cross-curricular exploration of science, reading, art, math, social studies, and any other subjects connected to the main topic. Unit studies provide a fun theme that helps engage young learners in many subjects based on their interests. In our unit studies, writing, reading, math, and other skills are directly linked with content that helps children connect with the material and gives meaning and purpose to learning skills.

  • We have three product lines from a one week lesson to an eight-week course. The activity guides are mini-units that are a week’s worth of study. Unit studies run for approximately two weeks. Expedition guides are a course of four units for a total of approximately eight weeks of study. Our curriculum is designed to be gentle and flexible, with flexible alternatives and extension options.

  • Our unit studies are truly cross-curricular. Each unit is built around a central topic in science or history. From this topic, the units integrate science, social studies, geography, reading, arts, mathematics, writing, and social-emotional learning. We also incorporate environmental and social issues. For mathematics and language arts, your child may benefit from sequential study through a curriculum matched to their level. We recommend and have used Wild Math. (Note: we are affiliates with Wild Math so we make a small percentage for sales through our link.)

  • Our curriculum products are primarily written for homeschooling families, but they also can be enjoyed by STEM clubs and co-ops, parents seeking enrichment learning, afterschool programs, and classroom teachers.

  • Our products are available as digital downloads only at this time. You can print each document as many times as you like, but these are licensed for use only within one household or classroom. For coop use, please contact courtney@northstareducationalexplorations.com for a bulk pricing discount. You can print at home, but we also have a partnership to provide discounted printing through Watson Family Press.